Remote Sensing

Panther Geoscience agrees that a picture is worth a thousand words, however with our cutting edge Remote Sensing analysis capabilities, we believe it can be worth even more. Using aerial imagery for landscape and infrastructure investigation is nothing new, however the acquisition platforms and toolkits have advanced tremendously. Not only can aerial imagery be converted into 3D information, it can also be used for quantitative surface analysis. Furthermore, a multitude of sensors can be mounted to drones for expanded attribute review.

We have the tools and know-how to turn aerial data into a precise understanding of your site’s surface conditions.

Remote Sensing Solutions

What we offer

Here are some of the remote sensing solutions we offer.


Optimized return on inputs through a phytogeomorphological approach and NDVI mapping. Precision agriculture with aerial platforms.


Reduced surface relic obscurity, aerial imagery and data collection. Advanced support for site planning and excavation.


Improved site risk assessment, vegetation stress analysis, and surface soil classification. Rapid, cost effective and zero impact from the air.


Advanced site reconnaissance and risk identification. Construct real-time landscape models from a superior elevated vantage point.

Fish & Wildlife

Illuminated game trails, diurnal and nocturnal wildlife detection and waterbody depth analysis. Multispectral imagery for meaningful ecology review.


Detailed terrain model analysis for overburden estimation and surface expression of geology. High resolution data collection in poor access areas.

3D Landscape Model

Solar Farm False Colour Imagery
Solar Project Thermal Imagery
Helicopter outfitted with thermal imager

Remote Sensing

Astonishing Surface Imagery

  • High Resolution Aerial Imagery
  • Precision Agricultural Analysis
  • 3D Landscape/Infrastructure Modelling
  • Geomorphological Analysis
  • Infrared/Thermal Imaging
  • Landform/Landcover Analysis
  • Photogrammetry
  • Vegetation Analysis

Remote Sensing

High Fidelity Topographic Modelling

  • Digital Elevation Data Collection
  • Elevation Modelling
  • Vector Maps
  • Watershed Maps
  • Advanced Geometric Analysis
    • Curvature, Residual, Derivatives
Oak Island Digital Elevation Model (DEM)

Remote Sensing

Revolutionary Surface Detail

Staveley 3D Model
3D Infrastructure Model
3D Rendering of Digital Elevation Model
Landcover Analysis
Surface Hydrology and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Mapping

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Pacesetter of Technology-Driven Geoscientific Solutions


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